Board of Trustees

Town of Sexsmith Library Board

Rhonda Maki, Chair
Merry Moore
Doris Lines
Dawn Wilson
Dennis Stredulinsky
David Johnston
Nathan Parlee
Elizabeth Good-Gerow
Brett Surbey

Town of Sexsmith Library Board trustees are appointed by Town Council under the Alberta Libraries Act and are trustees on an autonomous board with full control and authority over library operations.

The Board is accountable to the Province of Alberta and the Town of Sexsmith for the provision of library services to the community. It also provides services to the County of Grande Prairie residents through a Joint Operational Agreement with the County of Grande Prairie Library Board.

Library Board policies are those statements governing the operation and use of the Library that are approved by Board action. Certain policies are required under the Alberta Libraries Act and Libraries Regulation. Requests for policy development or review may come from the Board, the Library Manager, or the public.

Board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, with the exception of July, August, and December. Meetings are one to two hours in length and the public is welcome to attend. The board operates as a Board of the Whole with sub-committees created when needed. 

For more information on the Library Board, please contact the Board Chair, Rhonda Maki or the Library Director, Sheryl Pelletier at 780-568-4333 or email